Department Commander:
Mailing Address:
The American Legion
Department of Delaware
PO Box 930
Seaford, DE 19973-0930
Department Office Email:
Department Adjutant:
Richard J. Santos
601 Bridgeville Hwy.
Seaford, DE 19973
Mailing Address:
The American Legion
Department of Delaware
PO Box 37
Selbyville, DE 19975-0037
Phone: (302) 628-5221
Department Office email:
Department Service Officer:
Joseph Houghton
Wilmington VA Medical Center
1601 Kirkwood Highway
Wilmington, DE 19805
Mailing Address:
American Legion Service Officer
PO Box 5696
Wilmington, DE 19808-5696
Phone: (302) 998-9448
Service Officer email:
Department Chaplain:
Wayne Hicks
Mailing Address:
The American Legion
Department of Delaware
R. Wayne Hicks
PO Box 930
Seaford, DE 19973-0930
Department Office email:
Department Finance Officer
John Endres
Mailing Address:
The American Legion
Department of Delaware
PO Box 930
Seaford, DE 19973-0930
Finance Officer email:
Department WebMaster
Jacqueline Etzweiler Webmaster
Assistant Webmaster:
Rebecca Crouser
Mailing Address:
The American Legion
Department of Delaware
PO Box 930
Seaford, DE 19973-0930
WebMaster Inquires email:
Department Media Contact
Department Adjutant
Richard J. Santos
Mailing Address:
The American Legion
Department of Delaware
Richard J. Santos
PO Box 930
Seaford, DE 19973-0930
Phone: (302) 628-5221
Media Inquires email:
Department Oratorical Chairman
Chuck Armbruster
Mailing Address:
The American Legion
Department of Delaware
Oratorical Chairman
1017 Faun Road
Wilmington, DE 19803
(302) 478-7591
(302) 893-7703
Oratorical Inquires email:
For more information on this program please click here.
Boys State Chairman
Lyman Brenner
Mailing Address:
The American Legion
Department of Delaware
Boys State Chairman
PO Box 7005
Wilmington, DE 19803
Phone: (302) 628-5221
Boys State Inquires email:
For more information on this program please visit click here.
Trooper Youth
Lee Glasco
Mailing Address:
The American Legion
Department of Delaware
Trooper Youth Liaison
PO Box 930
Seaford, DE 19973-0930
Trooper Youth Inquires email:
For more information on this program please click here.