The American Legion was chartered and incorporated by Congress in 1919 as a patriotic veterans organization devoted to mutual helpfulness. "Veterans Strengthening America" is the American Legion's motto.
The Department of Delaware welcomes all current and former military men and women and assists in helping them to thrive in their local communities throughout the first State. We celebrate a spirit of selfless service and seek to inspire others to give of themselves to strengthen our nation. The American Legion advocates equal justice and opportunity for all, youth education, responsible citizenship, and honoring military service both past and present.

Department Office
Mailing Address:
Department of Delaware
The American Legion, Inc.
PO Box 37
Selbyville, DE 19975-0037
Shipping Address:
Department of Delaware
The American Legion, Inc.
31274 Polly Branch Road
Selbyville, DE 19975-3437
Phone: (302) 628-5221
Department Office Email:
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